Michelle TaMy experience working as a solo Product DesignerDuring my past roles and even my first ever design role. I was the first ever designer on the team and sometimes the first hire for the…Feb 7, 2023Feb 7, 2023
InBootcampbyYoga Pratama HSurviving as a Solo Product DesignerBalancing Work, Deadlines, and Learning in a Rapidly Changing UI/UX WorldFeb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
john bakalisThe Pros and Cons of Being a Solo Product Designer!As a solo product designer (in most of the startups I’ve worked on), there are many advantages and disadvantages to consider. On the one…May 5, 2023May 5, 2023
InUX PlanetbyIra9 things I wish I knew before I started building a product as a solo product designerI recently finished reading “The Path to Senior Product Designer” by Artiom Dashinsky, and began reflecting on my own times as a solo…Oct 31, 20232Oct 31, 20232
InUX CollectivebyAllison MilchlingSurviving and thriving as a solo Product DesignerBeing the only product designer is a unique situation. Ideally, design teams of one should be temporary, never the end state for an…Apr 20, 2020Apr 20, 2020
InThe Year of the Looking GlassbyJulie ZhuoJunior Designers vs. Senior DesignersI like words a lot. But sometimes a few sketches communicate a point more simply and memorably.Sep 9, 201498Sep 9, 201498